The 7 Most Expensive Plastic Surgeries
Plastic surgery has grown in popularity lately thanks to advanced surgical techniques. According to a new report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), 18.1 million cosmetic procedures took place in the country in 2019. These can permanently transform the way you look, which is why the exorbitant charges do make sense to many. If you’re wondering how expensive plastic surgeries can get, here is a list of the most costly options. 1. Mommy Makeover As the name suggests, a mommy makeover is for women who have had children. It is more common in women in their mid-thirties to fifties. Mommy makeover is a set of procedures that address the abdomen (tummy tuck), breasts (augmentation, reduction, or lift), and other areas of the body that may have changed after the pregnancy. The procedure costs around $15,000 – $25,000. 2. Facial Makeover A facial makeover is a combination of cosmetic procedures performed to rejuvenate and enhance facial features. It addresses all facial concerns in one procedure: a face and neck lift, endoscopic brow lift, upper and lower eyelids, and more. Additionally, the procedure also eliminates issues such as sagging facial skin, double chins, jowls, and deep creases. The procedure costs around $10,000 – $20,000.
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