8 Decorative Plants That Are Toxic for Cats
Plants decorate your house, and some provide you with fresh oxygen and make you feel happy in their presence. However, if you have a cuddly little cat residing in your home, you may want to consider a few things that could be harmful to them. For instance, some plants can prove to be dangerous for your cats.
Here are eight decorative plants that you might want away from your feline friend:
1. Oleander
Oleander is extremely toxic if ingested by your cat. All parts of this plant, including the roots, leaves, stem, etc., are harmful to your pet. Cats may experience hypothermia, gastrointestinal problems, and even death! Make sure you keep this plant away from your feline friend.
2. Daffodils
Daffodils are very colorful and beautiful plants. Bunched together, they look like heaven in your hands. These beautiful plants are, however, hazardous to your cats. Consuming them can lead to several severe symptoms like vomiting and even death. The buds of this plant are the most toxic.
3. Hyacinths
Hyacinths are beautiful, sweet-smelling plants. Despite these lovely qualities, hyacinths’ leaves, stems, flowers, and bulbs can be dangerous for your cats.
4. Azaleas
Azalea is a fugacious plant that is extremely toxic for cats. On consumption, your pet may experience several symptoms like weakness walking, vomiting, difficulty walking, etc. It can also lead to coma and death. It is, therefore, sensible to get rid of this plant.
5. Amaryllis
Amaryllis is a popular plant that contains noxious substances, which can be very toxic to cats. It causes symptoms like lethargy, tremors, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. The bulb of the plant is generally more harmful than the leaves or flowers.
6. Lilies
Several types of lilies are dangerous for cats. Every part of the plant, including the water in which it is placed, can harm cats. They can cause immediate kidney failure as well as symptoms like vomiting, drooling, loss of appetite, etc.
7. Jade
Jade plants are popular succulents and low-maintenance. However, they are toxic to cats and can induce symptoms like vomiting, incoordination, and a low heart rate.
8. Tulip
Tulips are beautiful plants. Unfortunately, they can be pretty harmful to your little furry buddies. Any part of the plant can cause complications; however, the bulbs are the most dangerous part of the plant. If swallowed by your cat, it can cause diarrhea and vomiting. If you fancy lilies and cats, make sure you keep the two far apart from each other.